

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Hi, I am allergic

A sleepover, new friends. Asking or even claiming a parent to come along to give an explanation to these folks  about her allergies. New friends, new strategy?
'I am not going to tell them, myself.' OK that sounds as a good opening sentence.
'We want you to be the one to tell about your health, the specific diet: yourself'.
Has allergy something to do with power. Could it be that an allergy girl gets completely fed up with the fact of being allergic? And the need to tell the story again and again? Is it about peers? Do they, or do they just not, get the message? Is it about feeling annoyed to explain the food  issue with the parents of your friends? Is it just about teasing your parents?  Should we be more persistent and tell her that she is in charge and responsible for her body, health and food. We took off anyway and brought the girls to their new friends. Solange's dad explained and talked about peanuts and nuts in general. We could register our story and some recipes as backup for all those new friends from Solange. To make it for everybody easier. And this could be really fun.

All places, all food

Parents, kids, worries