

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Solange's energy

Saint Nicolas seems to be a never ending happening. Staying at the house of my sister in Amsterdam, the girls are having a sleepover with their two cousins. In the evening they put their shoes in front of a Chinese cupboard in the living room. By lack of a chimney this red piece of Chinese antique serves this goal perfectly well. Five shoes on a row, carrots for the horse and a whole repertoire of songs for Saint Nicolas. Anne Frank celebrated Saint Nicolas in 1943 in the annexe. It was the first time in her life she celebrated this Dutch event, she was thrilled with the tiny presents and the poems distributed by those who took care for those hiding Jews.

We as parents do enjoy the entire ceremony as much as our children. How much you believe is not even a thought, the mystery lasts forever if you want. In the period of the three weeks until the 5th of December, Saint Nicolas is a stream of positive energy and a time of sharing, singing, writing and hoping for the Saint to come.
Energy and to maintain the balance of flows of energy is the theme of an exhibition in the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam. For the Chinese people, energy is a compilation of thoughts, behaving, feeding, moving. Solange was born when we lived in China, 12 years ago. I wonder if her energy is not partly caused by the Chinese philosophy. It is brilliant, their way of comprehension and how a special kind of tea makes a complete difference. The China Tour exhibition finishes with a activity to collect qi: energy. Driving home children's voices, loud and clear, sing en beg for sweets and toys, having been nice all year long.

Parents, kids, worries

Anne Frank's Diary