

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Simply the best!

I am what I eat. There is more I know today than I knew some time ago. Rules about food need to be respected. By following blogs and other social networks I can't ignore the long list of really interesting thoughts about food and allergies. These two components were the reason I started the blog.  My startup was directly linked to the allergies of my eldest daughter. She is a food lover, already a great cook, a socializer.

There is so much wrong with food today and so much so terribly fantastic about food at the same time.
What's safe for us is probably safer for the planet.
Local food by local producers seems simply the best.
To be allergic means a lot of disadvantages but also a profound personal awareness. Conscious about your own body and how to feed it best are just two challenges. My daughter, chef in the kitchen? She may act as an authority: ''Did you all wash your hands?'' Responsible attitude. A better and healthier world.

CAPITAL CULTURE: White House garden ex-'seeds' expectations - Milford, MA - The Milford Daily News

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