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Cambridge Peanut research

David mentioned to me that I should contact the Cambridge University and medical research team in Cambridge, England. The team is busy with projects about peanut allergic children. The project is all about an adaptation for peanut allergic kids to peanuts. A proces in which children will be exposed to peanuts and peanuts will be part of their daily menu at a certain point in time. 
Is this a possibility for Solange, teens? Yes in their research the team focused on a group from young children to 17 year old teens.
I should contact those people.
Is there somebody out, who knows more about these research projects?
Please let us know.
Share your knowledge about these topics.
Information has been published in the medical journal Allergy during 2009.

Research was done in The Addenbroke Hospital , Cambridge University, England.
Head of the team: Dr Pamela Ewan, consultant allergist.

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