

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


One liners.
One word, one step, one action, one mind.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Three steps, three meals and in between snack pauses, interventions.
Young, energetic, tired, puberty, clashing, minds and bodies, opinions, arguments, mothers & daughters.
Fathers and daughters and siblings. Much is known about the relationship between the first group, less, hardly anything, has been researched about the last group.
Loving, caring, intuitive and autonomous. Phases to enter and to come out as a grown up. Much of the emotion we evoke in ourselves and the other is linked with the moment in time, our age and the connection towards others. Pressure, peers, friendships and distance. Culture and clashing minds. Living far away from your best friends, thinking those who are absent are the ones you care and love the most. Authority of your own behavior and of the actions you undertake, for sure you want hear the voice inside of you. The line on which we walk together with our youngsters invites us to become truly vulnerable.
Tensions and distractions, reliability and understanding, anger and frustration, love and emptiness.  

Study Identifies Social and Emotional Concerns of Food-Allergic Teens - FAAN
