

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Girls bake

Opening the side door of my house, home.
Kick my boots off and pull the bags with groceries up to the kitchen. That's where I want to go  immediately, it's the smell of sweet biscuits, an English favorite, a spice cookie? Girls have been busy.

Tradition creates follow up and it works in my home. The girls take the baking job with pleasure, find their way through the cookbooks and search for satisfaction, wondering, exploring, with a nice result today and possibly tomorrow with a disappointment.

Today's recipe: sweet cookies made with only 3 ingredients: butter, flour and sugar.
When baked and still warm on the plate a piece of dark 75 % chocolate is nicely posed in the center of each cookie.  The chocolate melts while the cookie cools down.

What I need in my cupboard for teenagers and their food drive:
For 2 dozens of cookies.
150 gr plain flour
 50 gr caster sugar
100 gr butter

All ingredients together, work and make a ball.
Form small balls and squash them.
bake them at 170° C or Gas mark 3 during 15 - 20 minutes.

Make your own cookie parade! use your imagination. You can decorate or enjoy them all natural!

Girls bake sandy cookies

So chocolate