

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

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Empathy, Understanding and Objectivity Need to Prevail for Students With Food Allergies!

Terrific! This is exactly what I see as the linking pin in the story about my daughter. I have been mentioning this more than once, an allergy as such a thing is not the problem: it becomes an issue and even very complex when a child, a teen, a student can't count on the empathy from his extended family and friends and even larger circles. Their allergies are serious and sometimes even life threaten. Food allergies do play a major part in daily life. Do interfere in social gatherings, family dinners, school parties, high school trips. Socializing means most of the time food, sharing time while eating a nice dish. It's the ultimate joy to prepare food and learn from each other by tasting the flavors from other countries, different cultures, it makes us cross cultures even.

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How to Teach Older Children About Their Food Allergies