

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



Graduation day, the second graduation this time of the year.
At home we celebrate with a beautiful bake from one sister to another, made with grace by my allergy girl.
The piping is as always outstanding; patience and love for baking.
Way to go! Two sisters; one freshly graduated from her International school in London and off on a gap year now. The second sister finishing her 10 grade at the same international school and signed up for the two, very last international baccalaureate years; 11 and 12 grade. In international school know as the IBDP years. My youngest finishing her 8 grade and unlike the importanty of this year in the girls' prior Rabat American school; marking the end of Middle school, in international schools 8 grade is the third year of MYP ( Middle Year Program).

London seems a strong fit to us as a family and the three girls are doing amazingly well after our first two years in the city of Westminster.
Exhausted and satisfied.
I can't believe we' re actually winding down our second year this week.

Macaroon a delight

Macaroon a delight

Knowledge and Ignorance

Knowledge and Ignorance