We are struggling with allergy medication again . It seems that the medication is not strong enough and yet there doesn't seem to be another good alternative . Ever since we arrived in the UK we didn't find the right medication.
The hay fever medication she gets is just not right. Where the package tells one can take one pill a day she take soften four in a row .
Who can come up with an explanation and a good plan. To tackle the almost daily reactions. What is the best medication . Why is there a difference in prescription between all the countries . Why did we experience these variations in prescription between France, Switserland and Morocco and
now the UK? What is knowledge ?
now the UK? What is knowledge ?
Some pills make one sleepy and other simply not bring the sufficient relief .
Our latest appointment with an allergist wasn't helpful and it even seems like there is lack of true insight in the allergy issue as a whole . My concern is: she needs the right medication to be safe. There is no need, as described in her file, for further consult as her conditions won't change . Her severe and life threatening allergies will stay. Innovations and new medications in the future might hopefully bring insights in her afflictions .