

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Study food and thyme

May a new beginning. May in my family is the start of final IB exams for my international school student. The sun appeared today and that makes all lighter, easier .. I feel I can fly away embracing a rayon of sunshine. With your head in the books it is still an asset to feel the warmth of the golden star dropping in through your window. When you emerge yourself for the very last revision before walking out the door  and writing your papers. 

These days of commitment to your 6 topics emerging yourself in two of your languages. A pause with a sister while enjoying dinner. Food to relax your brain, liberate the mind and to prepare for the next challenge. 

Pink and green. Salmon and spinach. Topped with olive oil and line seed. Lemon freshly squeezed and ancient flavors from thyme branches decorate my salmon. Honey adds the perfect smile of the Mediterranean.

My vegan dish with a touch of April orange, hence honorong King’s day celebration in the Netherlands,  makes my May table eclectic and colorful. A crust made with dried oregano and filled with a slow cooked ratatouille. The latter prepared in olive oil with orange pepper, eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes finished with leaves of basil and thyme!

Thyme is today’s theme. It flavors both main dishes. All recipes free from peanuts and nuts. Hence a life with allergies. 



Blue-white carafe from Fez. Brought it with me from my Moroccan kitchen to my London table.



