

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



After a doctor visit and some blood work it all makes sense and the message always the same: move, move and move. When eating, think: a little less is better. Exactly what I see, when traveling back home to London and finding daughters in the full spurt of study and student life; they move and eat ( I am happy and see responsibility) healthy. Education is a stone to step on and a trigger to stand firm over the long term of life. My mother gave me sense and reason about diet and a long healthy life.

She is the bright and living a full life a grandmother of my daughters and a long living example to all of us. This August she turns 85 and what’s to celebrate: life and love! At such high age all is easier when your body is healthy and you can enjoy a ‘mobile’ life. I know there is luck and genes too!. I mean it is not just about what you eat and drink ... luck is an integral part. There is absolutely something about choices that stick to that generation like being in general modest. Plenty of everything was never an option to be a good thing.

What she taught me about food and diet ... is te be rigorous in a way that you belivee in rhythm, eat according a scheme, regularity is a good thing to keep in mind and do sit down while eating; love what you eat and take time.

Her way of thinking about food was primarily formed by being a medical analyst and working in cancer clinics in the Netherlands like the famous Daniel den Hoeck Clinic. I remember so well how she would share her experiences in those clinics and in which way they changed her vision about the world forever. The sickness and sadness surrounding cancer patients. When good treatments were not available like they are today. She  would tell me and my siblings - and today her grand children - about how she got overwhelmed by seeing life as a struggle for so many and that one should stand firm and love life and see the relativety of things. And with that was her strong belief in being physical active - move , move and move - and way good - vegetables and fruits - but not to much. Modesty overall. 

Picture with apples at the family orchard in France.

Royal Ballet During Lockdown

Food and Mood

Food and Mood