

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


Detoxification. From the west to the east. In Paris and in New York. What is wrong with our holidays? The message is cristal clear: we need to clean, heal and relax our bodies after the break. We had some good dinners during our holidays in Europe. The girls enjoyed nice dishes and delicious desserts together with their friends. It was a mix of American and European food. Traditions were shared and everybody could add something from his food wishlist to the menu. Solange could eat it all. The recipes were home made and peanut and nut free. No medication need for Solange this year. No need for detox. One friend really tries to cook with the products of the local market. This is getting an important topic. Thinking green and eating green and taking care of your daily need of 5 to 7 portions fruit and vegetables makes life rather colorful. Look for bright colors and you know you are eating the right vitamines. Life becomes so easy just by visiting the local vegetable and fruit market during the twelve months of the calendar of 2010. I am already looking for some nice recipes with lemons as my lemon tree is giving us a lot fruit this year. We will leave the good chocolate from Switzerland for a while, we had a few. But so far no need for detox. Water, tea, a good night rest and a laugh a day will keep the doctor away.

Fresh market & homemade

Food thoughts for 2010