

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

When the food is safe.

Still so many people don't have a simple clue about allergies. Still I get confused when I need to explain, tell, memorize, explain, list, describe.... the causes, the diagnoses, the outcomes, the testing, the proofs, the reactions... Still people do ignore, don't understand, see no danger in the beginning...... Still it takes time, I look up and see in the eyes of my allergy daughter, she feels, she knows, she accepts, she must exclude some of the food at the table, there where could hide the danger, there where one is not ready to make an exception for not eating a such and so ingredient while having an allergy girl at the same table and still not understand the reality of a life threatening food allergy...... We act, we know, we see, we feel but we can't be neither too hard or too critical towards the non allergic but when  I look up and see in her eyes, my allergy daughter hopefully finds out how she will survive the next days, when knifes will go in and out from jam, to peanut and back and forth and without a guarantee, never guaranteed that this will cause no accidents for her... Still we need to explain and yet of course we can't blame any body, we can't expect that we are the ones to set the rules, but the thing is that when there is one girl deadly allergic and the peanut butter stays on the table, eating for my allergy daughter becomes a kind of Russian roulette..... this is not a game..... Parents hesitate, they stay on the side of the peanut lover, which is kind of logical and understandable. Parents then  seem sometimes a little bit less easy to convince, where a child, a friend, will understand sooner that her friend can be safe at the same table for a week, while spending a beautiful time together and eating something is you like to share together....... So the child, the friend, does understand the point of safety and fun and suggest all by herself to put the peanut butter away until next week. Wow these personal actions are so great, meaningful and gorgeous. Empathy and vulnerability are wonderful feelings! The table becomes again a spot where every body can sit and share and eat, a safe place where nobody will have any frustrations or fears to deal with, because we decide all together not to play with fire.

Living With a Tree Nut Allergy - FAAN
