

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Allergy curriculum

It's a relief to see that my allergy girl can have a very comfortable life while facing allergies. A life in balance with life threatening allergies. The fact we don't mention them to many is positive on her daily life. I believe that the golden rules we have and try to implement, as often as possible, are making her and our life easier. The last weeks since we have my cousin over we have talked more regularly about allergies. This is normal, because we need to figure out the menu we can offer throughout the time, 3 months, he will stay with our family. I feel I get tired of listing the allergies and the constraints. It's a déjà vu. It takes time and costs tons of energy to review the image of his allergy curriculum. We don't talk so much about Solange's allergies any more. We have learned to handle it. We go for: we eat what she can eat and I am what I eat. And yet I want to make his stay as nice as possible. Am I getting allergy tired? It's just that I need to re-energize myself. It's so convenient that we cook our food at home, eat no fast food and take Solange's diet for granted: her menu is ours'. And now what? We have the boy with some similar afflictions and so much different limitations in his food print, being the son of a daddy from Ivory Coast and a mum for The Netherlands I could try to study more about the food culture and heritage from his paternal homeland. Research could bring some clear answers for the facts why he can't eat so many Mediterranean vegetables and why he cannot support olive oil.


A for allergy and for anarchy.