

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Your voice: your intuition

It's all about intuition. Following the mother heart. It's pure emotion the close contact with your baby. The miraculous bond between the mother and her child , from the very first second the baby opens it's eyes to the world. It is my true believe that handling severe allergies of your child means counting on yourself, being honest towards your profound feelings and taking things deeply serious and living your life. Don't let yourself go into a negative motion and if this happens now and then, which is very logical and so human, don't give up!! Look at all those things your child can have, is able to eat: focus on the bright side, stay positive!
The book we intend to do is foremost to expose a flow of memories linked to possible strategies and solutions which helped us dealing with our family story. It will pop up recipes for wonderful foods and good moods. It will show the positive outcomes of being allergic!

(From the Book in progress: My daughter, cosmopolitan, colorful and allergic.)

