Amsterdam is an orange city today, as is the rest of Holland. The Dutch celebrate Queen's day. The tradition, though, is that we still honor today the birthday of the Queens mother. I particularly like the color orange because of its brightness and vividness. Artistic freedom expressed with colors. Images leave traces, treasures captured. Through impressions. Stories
Sunset in the Provence.
My red Chinese cupboard, in the light yellow kitchen in Cassis.
The red turned into yellow, ocre and orange nuances. Preparing a meal, looking outside through my kitchen window, towards the Crown of Charlemagne, vaguely a blue stripe azur: the sea.
Melting and tasteful, juicy fresh slices of melon.
Ne pas se moquer, ne pas déplorer,
ne pas détester, mais comprendre
(Spinoza, philosophe hollandais: 1632 - 1677)
Nice book: Travel Through the Paintbox by Victoria Finlay