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Eprise de cerises exquises | Clin d'oeil gourmand

Eprise de cerises exquises | Clin d'oeil gourmand

Wow wonderful cherries, they are so cute when my youngest girls wears these red small glittering miracles as her most fanciest earrings, variety of cherries means variety of moments, variety of names, variety of regions, mother nature cherish these cherries with her ultimate patience.
I admired the two cherry trees we used to have in our garden in Lausanne, Switzerland, the trees with their old branches gave the garden a ancient , romantic character.
It's sad that my colorful allergy girl can't have these beauties, it's itches her throat so easier to avoid, we enjoy them and I love to make a cherry cake. In Rabat the cherries do arrive on large wooden chars, on every street corner and in the old town, The Medina you can find the purple ones for small prices. When the girls were young and we lived in France we went out together with dear friends to a farm of our cleaning lady and the children could climb in cherry trees and pick the red treasurer and fill their small baskets. It's wonderful how memories of cherries go all along back in time, cherries seem the perfect link between the present and the past, it's the classic appearance of this tiny fruit that seduces us every year again.

Junk food revisited

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