

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Golden Rules

It took a while. After the trip to Egypt there was enough skin irritation to take care of and it took really 10 days to get over it. Change of food, climate, atmosphere and just too much of not good food. Good in the meaning of the word. The golden rules to get the right setting at our table as often as possible. Not too much dairy, not a lot of animal fats, enough portions of fruits and veggies. It is not so easy to deal with a take off, a far away destination, getting out of every day schedules and being aware of the balance in the diet.
Traveling is so much adventure. The difficult part is the food and the adaptation. Too much of all kinds of things, that in the end of the day, won't be as healthy as needed for my allergie girl and her sisters.  The fun of discovering, a new culture, to let go and give her a nutricion break is special, but in the end we'll discover that too much of everything is not bringing us anywhere. The result: skin irritations, on her face, neck and eye lids. Personal physical care and being rigid about her diet makes her skin as beautiful as always. I do understand her sense for going over a certain edge.
I like it that she wants to taste and go beyond just the plate that may be the best for her, she dares to take a risk and goes for the new dish. This is great and is part of the pleasure and her personality.The party to celebrate, even if in the end we need to take some extra measures... Playing the fool a little bit, bringing the kid back out that is always hidden in ourselves.


To evolve the clown in yourself