

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


Expression: exaggeration, fantasy, emotions, listening, discovering one's different states. 
States like: possessiveness, naivety, urgency, failure, emotionalism or vulnurability and the expression of emotional conflicts in a certain, given situation.
I like to exchange and talk with the kids, to try to express our feelings, to get to know our personalities and discover ourselves while we live in a family and are limited by daily rythms. Laughing, dancing, singing, clowning are all kind of ways we use to get a better knowledge about our deeper self. It's just spontaneous. Although their dad likes to create laugh sessions. Crazy thing to do but so good.
I tell the girls that I always laughed when I was a kid. Life for me was about clowning and that unfortunately often ended in sitting on the stairs in the hallway... makes me smiling now when I think about that scene.
My dad could appreciate my sense of humour but couldn't stand it for too long. He got really annoyed by the fact that I couldn't stop my laugh, my concentration bow for serious matters was in his perception simply too short. The girls love these stories as they admire their grand dad. 

City flowers

Golden Rules