

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


It's just about june now, end of schoolyear is almost there,  an eagle high in the sky, when I do my laps in the pool. Friends are leaving. Contracts completed. Going oversea, back home or deeper into Africa. There are those who stay, friends. We'll share already, even after a short time since we met, a kind of friendships. We'll miss some. Girls too. International community: constellation changes, often. Time to gather them together. I'll do. Need to decide for the food to prepare. Aperitif dinettoire, as the french mean, a moment with friends enjoying each other company, having drinks and small things to eat, both savory and sugary. This week was again much about allergies. Just about spring season, may be. Is it about Morocco, the air, the pools, the pollen? Allergies seem so unique. Reactions vary so dramatically. Difficult to deal with when you just a teen.


Manger des burgers!