

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Let it be

Unfair and therefor you have the right to scream and complain to not understand and to be in pain, sometimes at least, I think, as a parent a child, your youngster , your teen, gets out of her mind, so, let it be, as the Beatles wrote in one of their songs, let it be, once. Get out with the feelings and let go. It's just getting so frustrated and messed up. When can you ever eat without never having a reaction. Often enough!!!! You know, while eating and following the right rules, our golden set of rules: food wise, life wise, fit wise, but not always, then there is the fight between the elements.
Like tonight. Outdoor sports, long days of school, music lessons and no time for a shower. All in a rush. No time, just hurry. A race, kind of, but with a lot of satisfaction and then suddenly the body reacts very negative. It's the sign that means: stop, take care of me and enough is enough.
Back off and take time for me, your ever be with you: your body.
Even a dish that's one of your favorites is harmful at this moment of the day and makes your lip is thick and you feel not well and you're in need of medication.
I feel your pain, I think how can I help you, to be there for you and without disturbing a family dinner, the constellation is sometimes just blowing up in the air, so normal, so hysterical hilarious. Family and seasons may be are showing different faces. It's the climate that makes that we feel and are better in shape and there where allergies come along with pollens, now with fields of blooming mimosa in Rabat.
Feel better.

Be a PAL Program - FAAN

Low vitamin D linked to allergies in children