

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

I am what I eat

Peanuts and projects.
Allergies and daughters.
Teens and growing up.
Parents and children.
Learning and strategies.
The patience we need.
The focus we share, to find a possible treatment.

Positive attitude, specialists who do answer emails within 24 hours, make me grateful.

My perception is deeply influenced by living around the world. It makes us vulnerable and strong at the same time, it strengthens our creativity and flexibility. Long life learning is about experience and explorations. Food plays a big role every day, 365 days a year. 

I am what I eat suits our mindset. I smile and think about the twinkling eyes of my 7 grader. I know that the travel we do and the adaptations we go through are challenging and yet the best school in the world for our three girls. These three,  third generation,  kids learn by changing suitcases and countries.  I can only imagine how life would be without any worry about peanuts and nuts. i think of all specialists,  all children and parents who work together and participate in research on behalf of a possible future treatment.

Two worlds

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