

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Just another episode

Never ending story,
What helps, what not.
Have not's or just a diet.
No cream, milk, dairy for now. Just how we managed in the past. The rushes of eczema are in fact exactly the same as 3, 5, 8 and 10 years ago. the connection between skin and allergies it's all clear and the data speak up. But your face is what you see and what you like to have just pretty. Angry because your skin is in dis-accord. And it's hard to speak about it or to know how I can come up with a solution, most of the time the moment is just wrong.  Two weeks of medication. Standard procedure. Of course it's a discipline to take care of these episodes and time is involved, precious minutes for body hygiene. And then when you don't see that things are getting any better.
I'll need to check with the dermatologist but the clue is that I don't like the medication and the facial creams which contain corticosteroids.


Dutch site for my Frenchy