The shortest month of the year. Unpredictable. When we lived in Cassis during our first two years, I thought spring started already in the second month of the year. I remember very well mentioning this to a friend, and she nodded her head and kindly explained to me that the white blossoming of the Almond trees didn't meant that winter was behind us. Every year in February I got overwhelmed by the fresh and even the cold days. While we lived at a 4 kilometers distance from the village and the beach, in a neighbored called Les Janots. The temperature in our cosmos could easily differ some degrees with the market place in Cassis.
February disturbs, me any way. I see the blog pieces don't come along as in other months, and I feel eager to go outside in the garden and exercise and do my first lanes of this year. It's between two seasons , it's too short in days and merely a month of destiny and honor of all Valentines.
February disturbs, me any way. I see the blog pieces don't come along as in other months, and I feel eager to go outside in the garden and exercise and do my first lanes of this year. It's between two seasons , it's too short in days and merely a month of destiny and honor of all Valentines.