

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Sense of season

Sense of season

Good morning and happy Thursday. It's another beautiful autumn day here in London and I am getting really excited. It's the time of the year, where the leaves change color and ends Summery green and comes Fall's yellow. Regent Park has turned into a golden oase. Oxford Street is getting jolly and dressed up for the festivities and celebration of the season. High up in the air all along the length of Oxford street where it makes the turn into Regent Street dance large white paper Christmas stars and endless snow balls. The transparant decoration moves slowly, the snowballs nod their heads while whispering words, childish wishes in the evening breeze. A sense of secret messages and children imaginary is settling around Westminster. I look high up with my head in the clouds, unaware of the thick, endless stream of coats and suits rushing home. 

I wander and take a deep breath before I head home.



Blueberries and raspberries : antioxidant and colorful

Blueberries and raspberries : antioxidant and colorful