

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Traveling mom

Traveling mom.
Three daughters and a husband.
Nothing has changed.

We packed our suitcases end of June and we left.
New destination and life style.
Travelng mom. This doesn't change.
I miss it, the last location when I read about it in the messages from my love.
He travels and goes back, tis week ad I feel this knot right in the middle of my stomach.
being here in Cassis, home, I long to the other hme. It is rare and a particular feeling that I feel just not often. But all is now still so recent and fresh and the time we spend, the life that we lived was good and easy. far away and in a bubble, of course but cnvenient. Safe and colorful
Traveling mom.
I wait for my dear Schmutzie to come up with the updates . We are working while traveling to change the blog design.
Traveling, picking up my life again and with the life and experiences of the girls.
We are cooking a lot these days and it is the food that connects the memories of the different places where we went all together. The colors and the preparation, together n the kitchen, those make it meaningful traveling.

Stuffed zuggini with cutted zuggini, garlic, ricotta and parmesan for dinner.
Chocolate cake for dessert.

Pauw's pain perdu.

Sweet sugar summer