

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Summer after all. We will travel on Sunday. Leave the city for two months. London has been good to us all. The eye looked over us, the constellation of the starts has been clear and sometime crispy no regrets and loads of new directions. But the weather. We all miss our blue skies, long months of outdoor living, and easiness. I need to rewrite my notes from my Cordon Bleu experience, has not been easy to find myself back and I am missing it. My dear friend from New York was in town this week and she asked me the right questions, and couldn't answer all. We looked up some other schools where there is baking, cooking, techniques and skills. They all look quiet similar ad yet the high standard I have been thought here in London might be the key point in a new research for another school. I need to start baking again as soon as possible, the last week break was mostly about winding down the school year, seeing friends Ad having wine and saying our good byes. We will find all the fruits of summer at our local market in Cassis next week. I loved one of the last sessions at CB when the chef baked some really home made desserts, loose in character, fresh in appearance because of Pink Lady. The Tarte Tatin might be my first pastry when I land in Marseilles. And I aim to treat myself with the equipment to make the life of myself as a baker a little bit easier / professional. Finely buy myself the authentic Tarte Tatin mould. This black iron stove adapted pan is an essential ...lovely all these thoughts about nice tools and equipment. Looking forward to bake in my light kitchen. We are thinking to redecorate a little though. The colours as they are now, the mustard yellow and the light blue on the opposite walls might both be ready for a transformation. Matisse revisited. The girls still like to attack the piano and paint this old lady in a slight soft gentle green. Second product will be the Milanese soufflé . As we travel later this summer to the eternal city and hopefully flannel along the coat lines in Capri.

EpiPens and compassion for all