

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Anaphylactic shock, a premiere

It is Wednesday morning and my allergy girl is feeling well. At home though and taking a good rest after all what happened earlier on Tuesday . My voice is completely gone and this must be a consequence or a kind of an emotional break down after prior events. I was struggling with a cold before she felt so sick and I believe that all my daughter experienced, has left me with some scarves.
What I do experience is that I feel I need to create, construct a new equilibrium . For so long now Solange's allergies seemed to be more or less under control. They're always there, part of life, her life from the wake up call in the morning until the very last moment of the evening , night . It might even create the image for a lot of people that things are pretty cool and that allergies in the end finish all in the notes of history and get eliminated from the headlines. 
I don't think so. 
However some laid back attitude, expired epi-pen .. 
Until November according to the label...

When you are once diagnosed with deadly allergies which means for my allergy girl , allergies for peanuts and nuts there is simply no way to hide from them and the precautions you need to take and the diet you have to implement in your life are rigorous and ongoing.
Dealing with serious diagnosed allergies is kind of like an eternal education, active learning, it is life long process. It stands for a negative physical condition which you should take serious and never under estimate.

I have so many lines to add to this diary.
I switched the content a bit over the recent years, and the focus became more and more our life, the style of life we adjust while traveling and living around the globe. The lines I learned during the last 72 hours will come eventually in bits and pieces. 
All we experiences sounded familiar and yet everything in during the whole traject was unexpected , uncommon and yes again, we were slapped in the face by the allergies - monster. 
The unpredictability of a reaction is at the same time fascinating and very frightening.
Allergies for peanut and nuts, a long life condition for Solange which she thought she could manage last week  by not using the Epipen. She felt she could handle her allergic reaction with her medication and failed. There was no possible way that the reaction she had, and which developed into an anaphylactic shock was any longer fightable or resistable. 
The reaction she experienced last Monday showed all the physical signs building up to the anaphylactic shock. My allergy girl thought she was still not feeling too bad and ignored her epi-pen and simply sticked  to her antihistamine and cortisone.  
She walked herself to the hospital, myself half running next to her, following her.
She wanted space around her. No physical contact.
O my god she looked so terrible. And she was so strong and just wanted to walk and get there. 
The hospital.

When food is a passion

Good old spinach pie