

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Keep it up girls!

Monday, noon, I drive up to school to pick up my youngest girl. She brings two friends. Parent teacher conferences, no school.
Today is International Women Day We celebrate this with the house full of young girls, later on joined by their siblings. I asked the girls: 'Do you know what day it is today?' They mention all kind of days to me and I tell them some details about Women Day! In their minds the world is all about girls and their imagination! Keep it up girls. Let's celebrate with a nice cake.

Four souls in the kitchen, 4 ingredients in the cake. If you have butter, flour, eggs and sugar you have your four basics. In my recipe a part of the flour is replaced by corn flour. I like this recipe so much because we made it so often and it is just superb. The best there is, as Solange likes to mention. The girls decided to make cupcakes instead of one large cake.  

A story to share

Rational & Emotional