Medication, daily menu. And it seems to work wonder well. Now the discipline comes in and the willingness to continue with the rhythm of the pills twice a day. But the allergy girl is under control and I mean that's a great thing to admire. The conclusion seems to be that when you're young and you've a lot on your mind you simply can't use the literally annoying disturbed facial appearance. The inner fight to stay home, missing classes and to go deep down under the blankets, covering yourself, hiding from all and every thing, hoping things will be arranged the moment you pop up into the day light. There's simply not a reasonable meaning or discussion to add by the parent to the subject.'I hate my skin? ? 'I can have it any more' ' I better stay home and come never out again'. I'll notice - the years that you grow up, you deal with your own world to organize, the outings with friends, the parties to attend, travels to make, conversations on face book and within other social networks and pictures to share - see that your life and that of your generation is plenty full and multi tasked and crazy diverse and you simply don't got time planned for skin and allergy situations. I see the worries that those factors implicate to your life, I do understand the unfairness you feel deep inside.