

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


While the words slowly wave their path to the paper I'll open the blog while the day has been out there since some time. Pretty much has been done these early hours. Traffic in the house, travelers leave and an allergy girl prepares another day of outdoor field soccer.
Unfortunately her neck is like a red bandage, a scarf  that lifts up when she turns her face and smiles towards me and facing the challenge of being in competition again today.
I am ready to make a new step and the search about natural medication and treatment.
An acupuncturist could bring relief.
As does a nice breakfast.

Crepes, golden and shiny like the sun with strawberries,
maple sirup's or sugar,
a glass of water and more bottles to fill for the rest of the day.

This is what I need for 8 - 10 crepes.
125 flour
2 eggs
25 cl milk
20 g melted butter
butter or oil to bake
a bit of salt  

Flour and salt. 
In other bowl eggs, milk and butter and add the flour mix. Batter until you're obtain a fluid mixture, put away in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Eczema and Food Allergies - FAAN
