

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Sushi as Such

The prep of the sushi.
It is fun because the girls can make it all by themselves.
I helped where they wanted my involvement.
We were all together in the kitchen and the kitchen turned out, again to be a really good place to be.
making the rolls, is not evident but while practicing the sushi and their appearance get better!
There is no such as a perfect sushi, we our just kitchen amateurs.
The kitchen has a family set up and is not professional. We leave all stuff just as it is and cook in the middle of school bags, lunch boxes, news papers, bracelets and one hundred thousand of small items that make family life as imperfect at it is and a family house the comfortable place to be.

Sushi 2

A nice orange color